January 14, 2025
Erika will be teaching, I am very confident she will be able to lead a great Mat Class for you.
Hey there! Happy New Year! How many times have you had to re-write the year at the top of your checks? I have definitely had to double check mine.
I know it may come a surprise to be getting a Newsletter from me so early in the month, trust me, I had to triple tell myself to get this on my TO Do List. Well, enough of the intro I’ll cut right to it. Over the break I got a BIG Surprise! I wasn’t expecting it at all and was seriously in shock and as someone who doesn’t like to let my emotions get the best of me, there was definitely tears. Here’s the back story as to why there will be no Privates on the 22nd or 23rd.
You may or may not know that this last November, the 14th to be exact, my friend, Neva and I celebrated our 10-year Kidneyversary! We had chatted on the phone on that day and made it a plan to see each other in person to celebrate. I was quite happy to go visit her down in Southern California, where the sun shines and it’s warmer than 60 in January. We talked dates, and that was that. Well, over the break, Neva called and said to me that 60 degrees just wasn’t going to be warm enough for us and told me WE ARE GOING TO HAWAII!!! SAY WHHHAATTT!? There was jumping, screaming and tears!!
I instantly get taken back to that day in March of 2014 when I heard God call me to fill out the paperwork to be a donor and also to the day when I got to call her to tell her I was match! Who would have thought two girls in women's choir, who liked to run to Taco Bell for lunch, only to get lunch cleanup and have our Music Teacher, scream at us...”LADIES YOUR LATE!” with her side eye and smirk. Don’t worry, she loved us, we have good humor.
Friends, I was so broken before this calling. I had lost a lot, I questioned my life, my purpose, I couldn’t find my worth, my pillow was filled with tears of sorrow. I remember at my lowest, I just called out to Jesus, “please, you have got to pull me through.” And he did. A friend called me and just knew something was up with me, after his words to me I decided had to touch the hem of Jesus’ cloak, and have faith.
After months of getting deep within my soul Neva put out that she was looking for a kidney donor. I was not looking to donate, but I prayed for her. Within the months of praying for her God started sending me signs, messages at church and through podcasts I was listening to. Honestly, I was thinking, well not me, someone else. Then in March of 2014 she put it out again and I was shocked that she was still looking. That same day, I was finishing up my accounting for tax time when I saw the post and a small voice in me said, “fill it out”, I was like, noooo… Well, then I had to print out my accounting paperwork, no ink…..can’t fill it out…but I really needed the ink to finish my accounting work. I go get the ink and the Spirit was moving in me. I come back and while I’m getting all my paperwork in order, I’m ready to print out my work, I hear, deep in my heart, “Fill IT out.” I literally looked around because it was so loud, so I did it. After I filled it out, I prayed again, “Lord, if this is from you and you want me to do it, you get to tell my husband.”
Being a donor has blessed me in so many ways. My husband and I grew closer to one another, us and our children grew closer, we all witnessed a real live miracle. I trust God so much more with my life. It is wonderful watching Neva live a life that wouldn’t have been as fulfilled as it has been, my kidney is living it’s best life. What a gift I was given by giving her a gift.
John 15:13
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